Sunday, July 29, 2012

Well, hello there! Have you missed me? 
I'm sure you did. So much has happened in the past few weeks. 7.5 to be exact.  There were fireworks, birthdays, and expected announcements. What better excuse to avoid blogging, than that of "the first trimester." 
I recently announced that I'm knocked up again. Given my outspoken comment of desperately wanting another baby clearly on this personal outlet, it was just a matter of time. I am quite happy. When I was pregnant with Jamie Jo there was no time for anything but throwing up and dehydrating myself until I was about six months preggo. Luckily, this baby has seen fit to continue letting me eat. Though sucking all my blood and leaving my brain with little oxygen leftover has seemed to appeal this time around. Thus, I'm not glowing with the ecstatic pride that I feel just yet.  We are looking forward to week 9 when we get to see the baby vampire child for the first time through ultrasound. 

I would love to stick around and blog a bit more, because I do have a ton of material that is bursting to be molded into clever vocabulary, BUT again, due to the lack of blood supply in my brain at the moment, I am not able to focus enough. Basically just wanted my blog readers to know I am alive, I'm preggo, and I will be back to blogging very soon.