Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Life goes on....

Check it out! I'm back in full effect! Really though, I managed to steal some computer time so I'm all up on this blog.

Personal Update: I am still pregnant! Nope, the baby has not fallen out. Yesterday, James and I went to my first official OB visit, complete with ultrasound. We were happy to see that indeed there is a 10wk fetus about the size of a peanut moving and grooving around in the female cave AND it is indeed only one. 

Gosh it feels good to be back in writing mode! I don't think you're ready for this jelly blog.

When I think of what the next year of my life will entail, I go through many phases. Normally, I like a snack from the fridge, then I'm good to start the phasing. First phase is usually pretty exited. And by that I mean pooping rainbows and unicorns. Thinking of baby names, imagining how great "family moments" will be with a new baby. *sigh*  Then, eventually I head into the "I am woman" phase when every thought I have is rooted deeply in the innate confidence and pride that every pregnant woman feels, because she is embarking on a journey of physical endurance that only women will ever experience. Eventually, after the female empowerment powers down, and I have a second snack from the fridge, I start to feel a little overwhelmed with the knowledge that I will officially be responsible for TWO little lives and heart beats for my next 20 years. This usually makes me slightly nauseated, and I know it's time for a potty break, a sip of water, and a cracker. The next phase is ugly. Some may call it a "hormonal freak out," but I prefer the phrase "battling the good vs evil within myself." This phase contains a lot of crying for no reason, eating more food, laughing hysterically, and being incredibly pissed off at anything in 5 centimeter radius that breathes. All in the span of about 4 minutes. The last phase usually comes full circle into "pretty excited" but with the rainbow and unicorn poop. Contentment may be to easy-going a descriptor, because Lord knows being stressed/worried/battle hungry is the best part of being pregnant so contentment becomes a luxury one preggo mom cannot afford. 

life continues to go on in my world.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Well, hello there! Have you missed me? 
I'm sure you did. So much has happened in the past few weeks. 7.5 to be exact.  There were fireworks, birthdays, and expected announcements. What better excuse to avoid blogging, than that of "the first trimester." 
I recently announced that I'm knocked up again. Given my outspoken comment of desperately wanting another baby clearly on this personal outlet, it was just a matter of time. I am quite happy. When I was pregnant with Jamie Jo there was no time for anything but throwing up and dehydrating myself until I was about six months preggo. Luckily, this baby has seen fit to continue letting me eat. Though sucking all my blood and leaving my brain with little oxygen leftover has seemed to appeal this time around. Thus, I'm not glowing with the ecstatic pride that I feel just yet.  We are looking forward to week 9 when we get to see the baby vampire child for the first time through ultrasound. 

I would love to stick around and blog a bit more, because I do have a ton of material that is bursting to be molded into clever vocabulary, BUT again, due to the lack of blood supply in my brain at the moment, I am not able to focus enough. Basically just wanted my blog readers to know I am alive, I'm preggo, and I will be back to blogging very soon.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The heat is on......

Amory Butler factoid #575--- I hate 100 degree weather. Why???
I sweat. And being a born and bread Oklahoman has never changed my opinion of 100 degree weather. Nor has it changed my opinion of sweating.--I am smack dab in the middle of an anatomy/physiology 101 workshop. Knowing the importance of sweating does not change my opinion of sweating. -- BEWARE --- You're entering the bitchy session of the program --

 Sweating creates an aura of sticky wetness, oh it's sticky tricky! You start out feeling light as air and all of a sudden you weigh 10 lbs heavier. There's an itch between your shoulder blades that no one in the world can scratch on their own. Once you get passed that sensation you're sent into what I call the "hairline itchies." If you're as heavy as I claim not to be, then your cave between you're bottom lip and your chin gets a bit shiny, and likely starts dripping onto the collar of your T-Shirt and you imagine in about another hour you could participate involuntarily for the neighborhood watch party's wet T-Shirt contest. See! No good comes from sweating. --- Unless, of course, you're me and have been successfully losing weight. Stupid sweat. 

FOOTNOTE-- I just got home from my evening walk. Cooled down now. ... I promise.... unfortunately, I still do hate sweating. And 100 degree weather.

Intermission:   ...   ...   ...   .... .... 

Act Two:
Hey ya'll!! WHAT UP WHAT UP??!!

My it's a GREAT day to BE alive!! Summer is here and you KNOW what that means! 
The glorious long days and long nights. The endless supply of Pop-Ice in the freezer. The Oscar Meyer weenies on the grill. The flies who buzz your potato salad or the bees that climb into your can of pop and sting the piss out of your lip. <insert hilarious evil bee laugh> The man next door blowing his grass clippings out of his driveway, which always make my face twist with derision and roll my pupils. Why do people think having fresh mown grass clippings on their driveway is worth spending $75 on a leaf blower to blow the clippings into a pile at the edge of the curb? Furthermore, why do we have leaf blowers? It's nature Yo, Love it like you mean it! What was my point? Oh! Yes, SUMMER. One of my favorite things about summer is just moments away! Fireworks!! And by that I mean, watching from an obvious safe distance. I have been kind enough to let James take care of the show for the last decade. I am Sharon Clark's daughter. Thus, I have a strange fascination with fire, but only if I'm not lighting or standing near the firework. Squealing and SWEATING is involved if I get too close.

After the fireworks show, we all get to enjoy another two days of work. BUT knowing that on Saturday July 7th we will be celebrating (a few days early) the birth of Jamie Joellen helps make the bittersweetness of going back to work all the more worth while. 
Six dadgum years. She's such a good kid. As good (aka spoiled) as any other fancy only child can be at six years old. She has taught me so many things. But the most important lesson has been how to appreciate joy. Whether it be bubbles, interactive television, or the 18th verse of "Wheels on the Bus," she never fails to help me appreciate the sheer joy of life. All the way through that 18th verse. 
This year I caved for the ChuckECheese experience. I GUARANTEE there will be some good bloggage after that marathon of greasy pizza, rich "white" cake, and TOKENS galore. 

See you on the flip side world :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

After that game, here is some light hearted reading.

I thought that after such a devastating loss by my new favorite NBA team OKC Thunder to Miami, I need to revive my hopeful spirit by taking you on a walk with me. To a moment today when hope for a championship series was still reachable. And life was good.

Most of you reading these blogs of mine, should know that I am trying to lose some weight. I'm sorry-- I'm trying to make lifestyle changes to encourage the fat to fall off my tummy. :)

Tonight was probably one of my hardest nights physically. I am so friggin' tired. Most every part of my body aches, but being inspired by my B, I press on.

I started with a bounce in my Nikes, and a step in time with Jennifer Lopez's classic "Dance Again." My goal was to add an extra leg to the tour and make it home in the same amount of time. Seems easy enough. 

Have you ever walked your neighborhood? What a world we have in our suburban Broken Arrow neighborhood!! I am so lucky to have the mostly quiet, pretty safe place to breathe. So, there I am pumping my legs, stretching out the kinks, and ready to hunker down into what can only be described as "the trot." 

First thing I see is the next door boys battling it out as to which way to turn their bikes. "Do we go to your house or mine?" says one boy. Along comes the yorkie from three houses down to shake his head and bark at me, as if to say "At it again? Can I come? Do you have a snack? Oops! Gotta pee and sniff things!"

Coming around the bend of the corner, I see the girl from Jamie's kindergarten class running through a sprinkler with so much force that she slips and falls into the fresh mown grass. What else is a girl with little girl thoughts and feelings to do but to jump back into the fray only to do the same thing over again. What a blessed summer moment. It brings back memories of the turtle at grandma's house that required no technology. Just a water hose and a five year old's imagination.

I kick up the pace at this point, now that I am all content and warmed up. I'm watching the robins fight over grasshopper dinner. I imagine them flying home to make a good stew. The breeze is cool enough to send shivers down the spine, as I may have spent a little too much time in the spaceship coffin as I have a slight burn to recover from tonight. Evidently, the rain we had today did nothing to deter the lawn Natzis' mission to stay green. Almost every other house I pass has a man attempting to water the skimpy spots in their lawn. Several wave to me and I feel a sense of community in my effort to add this next leg of the route.

Lots of heavy breathing, and probably some inappropriate groaning as I head down the hill and back up again. The teenage boy in his driveway shooting hoops can see me shuffling and giggles under his breath as I pretend not to notice he is hearing what I cannot hear, since now Justin Timberlake is bring back sexy once again.

Ah, the burn. The burn in the calves and shins and hips and knees starts to get a little warmer. "TOO WARM AMORY. YOU'RE CARRYING YOUR PHONE. JUST CALL THE HUBBY TO COME PICK YOU UP IN HIS TRUCK. YOU WORK EVERYDAY TO PAY OFF THE LOAN. IT'S A LONELY TRUCK THAT  BEGS TO PICK YOU UP OFF THE STREET AND TAKE YOU HOME. HOME HAS TYLENOL AND ICED H2O" --- "Whoa, what happened? It doesn't hurt as much now. I'm in a groove. Awww look at those two grasshoppers mating on the picket fence. Yay for summer love!"

Puffing and walking in tandem now. I pass the guy who never wears a shirt and should now as he is that shade of sunburn that looks a little.. crispy? 

I have hit mile 1.5 and I'm just so pleased with my pace I could pee. NOPE! Whoops! Don't pee yet! The trees! Oh the trees are so thirsty but look quite peaceful in the breeze. Their shade is my saving grace at this point. 

I hit mile two and the stride is still going strong. Knees are feeling loose but achey, that has to be a good sign, right? More middle aged men out spraying down the lawns. Must be voting on the MeadowBrook neighborhood "Lawn of the Week" tomorrow morning. I'm conquering my fitness lifestyle at this point, I have no room to stress over the shape of my grass or the growth of my outdoor bushes. Lucky bastards. 

2.5 miles, almost home! Just a few more right hand turns and my one small slice of pizza will be there waiting for me. That's right, I'm walking for the ability to eat pizza. Food will always be a motivator for me. I don't want to overcome this. I like FOOD!!-- "What's that? Is that girl on the other side of the street walking too? Maybe I'm inspiring the neighbors!"-- figures, it's the 6 month pregnant woman from down the road who isn't even sweating. She's walking faster than me!! UGH motivation? I think so!! 

Rounding the last bend, I'm grinning ear to ear! Oh I can just taste the unflavored water that is not dr pepper now! I'm so ready for a break, but I gotta keep going, going, going... whoa! here comes the yellow lab, "Hi doggie! Oh aren't you sweet. Ope! You want to dance in the street? Why didn't you say so! My you're tall on your hind legs! REALLY TALL. Taller than me! But you obviously love to hug!" -- At this point the embarrassed middle aged man with a garden hose and powerful spray nozzle is clapping and whistling, with the stress only the owner of a loving large dog who knows NO stranger, can clap and whistle. Have no fear man! That was a the best hug I've had all day!!

Continuing as I wave my goodbyes to "Frank" the taller than me dog, I realize I can see my house! There it is! Not a mirage! It's my home! What a burn, what a day, what a walk!.... I think this as I collapse in the yard by the mailbox. Lord knows the checking of the mail must be done before I can walk in the house. 

I walk in the house to the sounds of a beautiful daughter and her daddy talking about poop. Yep, it's good to be home. Good to be home. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The me you see, the me you don't see.

Have you often asked yourself, what would Amory Butler do? No, of course not. That would be weird. Asking myself that question would be even weirder. But hey, that's the me you see. What you don't see is that I really do ask myself this question when trying to decide who I am in this world I call my life. 

My life story is only 29 years long. The story is getting good. I've been married for 9 of those years. I've had my daughter for the last six. What a journey!

The point of this blog (finally, Amory--jeez!)
I want to share a list of things you see, and then list a few things you don't see about the world I call my life. (sorry, this is an exercise for therapy-if you don't get it, then go back to surfing Facebook! LOL

Things you see:
1. I am five foot tall, and 2 inches. The inches are VERY important. I call them my lovable inches.
2. I am a natural curly haired brunette.
3. I do enjoy smiling and laughing.
4. I have a body built for laying on the couch and reading while eating Doritos and sipping Dr Pepper.
5. My eyes are my prettiest feature on my face. I do so love my eyes. 

Things you don't see: (the hard part)
1. I have a heart bigger than it should be. The physical heart, not metaphorical.
1a. #1 shouldn't count because even though you can't see my physical heart, that is not the assignment.
2. I am a borderline Lupus diagnosed type person.Truth is I believe I have it, and am being mildly treated for it, but have yet to find a specialist for my woes. I am currently struggling with this fact, but as I have learned in the last six months, it will always be a balancing act between doctors, my activity level, my weight, and so many other factors I don't want to mess with stressing over at the moment. Good news, the new fitness plan has helped immensely. Maybe by living a healthier lifestyle, my woes will not be so overwhelming.
3. I desperately want another child. It's time. Jamie is six and I am ready. I find motherhood to be fulfilling in ways I never expected. 
4. I have a sensitive heart. I want love. I crave it. I am only human. I am not lacking in love the department. I just want everyone in the world to know I love them. Even if you bug me, I still love you. There are so many shades of love. God was so good in creating us with various levels of love. I love you!
5. I enjoy my job. If fulfills me in a way I never expected. I love what I do and how what I do affects the bigger picture. I wasn't looking for anything but a decent wage/8-5 job. Somehow, God led me to IHCRC and has shown me so many lessons in the last 8 1/2 years. Being a part of the clinic, even if most people think all that I do is "insurance stuff" has been a blessing. The mission behind the clinic and it's reason for being drives me to work harder than necessary to be a part of the bigger picture. Some days are harder than others, but that's just life. 

That concludes tonights therapy session. Thank you for reading, whether you were bored or truly interested.


Hi! It's been a couple weeks since I blogged so I'm here again. In the last two weeks so many things have happened! So here we go, I am living year 29 to the fullest! The hubs bought a fancy new Mac computer. I have been on PC for so long, I am still getting me bearings with the new Apple world. 

Jamie Joellen is coming to the end of her first round of swim lessons. Going to have to buy another month. She is MY daughter, a natural fish who HATES getting out of the pool and LOVES the smell of chlorine on her skin. Grma De tells me she is even jumping off the diving board. Can't wait to get in the pool with her soon!

Work is crazy Brazy right now. That's right, I went there. So many new faces, new software anticipation, and implementation of EHR to get me up and out of bed in the morning!

James is the same. Man=Work, Food, Shower, Computer, Bed. Ya know, the same as always. Oh but he does have the cutest grin that makes me want to love him everyday. ha! bastard.

Gearing up to be bridesmaid in the wedding of the century. B is busy busy planning and giving me the prettiest dress that I have to get altered. What an inspiration B has been for me. I friggin love her guts! I'm on a fitness plan, a tanning plan, and a learn how not to cry at B's wedding plan. So far the plans are keeping up with my busy schedule. I have officially lost 16lbs since April 30th so that's a big accomplishment for my knees and other various joints. Thank heaven for good doctors, drugs, and MY INSPIRATIONAL B!!!

Jamie Joellen has a big SIX year old party coming up. I caved into the Chuck E Cheese idea. Hopefully it will be fun. MY Bella will be here. She's bringing her parents, so the bro and sis will be here too! Plans for swimming in a good pool with the cutest little girls ever! PLUS hello??!! Mama loves birthdays! My Jamie will forever never be five again and as much as my heart longs for the baby days, I'm happy for her to be six. Six was a good year. Many many good memories were made when I was six. I believe that was the year that Disney released "The Little Mermaid" to VHS and I used the red towel on my head and a green pillow case to sit upon my boulder (couch) to belt every word to "Part of Your World" at the top of my lungs. But I digress, Happy Birthday for Jamie yay!!!

That seems to be the most update I have tonight. Thank you, and God Bless!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Weighing In

So much of life has weight. We weigh babies in the first few weeks to chart crucial development. In elementary school there are many lessons and visual experiments to teach the difference between heavy as an elephant and light as a feather. As we become teenagers, we learn how much one "F" on a pop quiz can weigh down a grade point average. As young adults, we begin to weigh the burdens of childhood baggage on our shoulders. In our elders we see the weight of gravity and aging through the decline of health, the milligrams of prescription meds, and the general emotional baggage of so many decades of success and failures.

Weight is such a "loaded" word. Whatever weight you are struggling with today, remember that weight is a blessing from God! No matter what way, shape, or form it may take today. I pray the weight of your life fulfills each one of you. Know that one day your burden of humanity will end. Everyone's will at some point. God's greatest gift was a promise of forgiveness and acceptance for the weight you accumulate on earth. How else could he give measure to the magnitude of everlasting life beside him in the kingdom of heaven?

Monday, June 4, 2012

Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!

Holy Moly it's my BIRTHDAY!! I friggin love birthdays! I had a good day. The parents drove over for dinner last night. James took me to the mall, where he casually slipped into Kay Jewelers and managed to buy something super cute to go on my super cute neck.

The work gang bought me a cookie cake, ugh more cookie cake please! And a PINK water bottles so I don't have to keep refilling my Dasani bottle! :)....And some chex mix!oh oh AND a SONIC GIFT CARD:) LOL Gosh that was sweet. Somehow I enjoyed making the men in my department sing for their slice. Big shout out to Ashley Bishop for being the only soprano in a bunch of baritone-like IT crew men.

Great great birthday. I am 29!! Can you believe it? For real!

In other news, Jamie Jo had her first swimming lesson at the Miller Swim School here in Tulsa. Grandma De was very kind to take her. She did so well. She only hated the part where the kids had to get out of the pool. Sounds like I will likely have to spring for another 8 sessions in July.

Work life is busy busy busy. Did I mention busy? Lord help us when the new software comes into play.

I arrived home tonight to a sleeping husband and an occupied PBSkids.org zombie, so I took the dog for a walk on our own. Poor Simon. His mini-weenie legs take about eight steps to my one. I'm trying hard to get him to go for an hour, but about 35-40 minutes into the walk he's draggin the back end and begging to be carried the rest of the way home. OH MY but to be a dog on a walk! New smells and places to pee! The sun! The bugs! The much bigger dogs that have NOTHING on an alpha mini-weenie on a walk with the mama!

In the interest of not blinding all who attend the big wedding for my B and her love I have invested in a tanning package at At the Beach. This is a good story, keep reading (mother). The package was a dang good deal. $20 for unlimited tanning/30 days plus a "Versa Spa" session. Now, even though I was a tanning virgin, I still knew that I would be bombarded by bleach blonde girls at the front desk who will likely be the old leatherley ladies of my elder years. And, I knew they would be selling me extras, as I received a 67% discount already with the LivingSocial package deal. So I politely let the "super totally awesome chick" go through her half-memorized act about how the special lotion has a "shine that glitters like diamonds." And then proceeded to my first session on a tanning bed. Ya know, I get it, being tan gives you a certain "glow" and what better way in Oklahoma (where unless you have a boat and a dock, or you work on a farm) you are never going to be able to tan unless you spend some time in these odd space ship like coffins. But man, it's werid yo.

So I get all diamondy lotioned up and hop in the coffin and then I realize I forgot my "specs." So I try to stand up with my naked diamondy butt slipping on the bed and grab the specs and jump back in. Naturally, I take a few breaths and try to relax. I only have about 2 minutes of this before I have the thought and wonder "whose naked butt was on this before me?" But before I can get to graphic in my imagination, the spaceship lands, and my ride is over.

Since it was my birthday the Britney Spears double asked if I would like to try the Versa Spa today. I, being curious always, said "Sure, why not?" So we proceed to spaceship room number 24 to see what's up with this Versa Spa deal. Have you ever seen the episode of "Friends" where Ross goes to the tanning place? This is my nightmare! The girl teaches me "the dance" as she calls it. You have to of course twist yourself into odd positions so the spray nozzle juice will get all your bits and pieces. Wouldn't want to look splotchy, would we?? So I politely smile to Britney and make my way into the new planet's shower. I push the button and all I can think is "don't forget the dance!" because you can't come out of there with one side a level 2 and the back side a 0!! All in all, it was just weird. I think I will stick to my $20 bed and be on my merry way.

This is the end of today, I hope you've enjoyed the glimpse into my head.

Again, thanks to everyone who made me feel so special today! MY BIRTHDAY!!! :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Tales from the Butler home June 2, 2012

More updating!
So on April 30, 2012 my best friend (who will forever be called "B" on my blog) in the Whole Wide World convinced me that I need to join her in the "fitness" challenge that our work place was starting. Now, if there is anything anyone knows about me, it usually starts with food. More to the point, cheese. Solid or melted, either way. Queso es muy bueno. Be that as it may, I went against my food craving body's internal debate on "What's for dinner?" And decided I could use a little more "fitness" living in my life.

In short, the challenge is this: Keep a log everyday in the "My Fitness Pal" app (or link on internet). The gist is to be fit, stay fit, and hopefully lose weight. The ultimate goal is to change your lifestyle habits. So you get points for eating your calorie goal, exercising, and drinking your daily dose of water. All participants put in a $20 ante, and at the end of 2 months, the person with the most points wins the pot. I think the pot ended up being about $300 this round.

Naturally, $300 is a pretty precious commodity these days. So much so, that the first week of competition I went ALL IN. I told the hubby to get ready because I was going to WIN. Little did I know, that first week I kicked ASS. That's right. Even got talked into buying a Wii Fit!! WHICH IS SOOOO COOOOOOLLLLL. I stopped over-eating, I worked out 30-45 min a day, AND I drank my daily 8 cups of water.I lost over 7 lbs in 10 days!! Absurdly, that was all water weight. Evidently my body had been retaining without my consent. Who'dve thunk that one, right?! And at the end of the first week I was WINNING!!!!!!!

By week two I was still grooving. Still losing a little weight, eating within my calorie range, and really trucking through the pain(s).

Week three, I only lost .8 pounds. I was still mostly okay with eating my calorie goal and working out every day. My momentum was on the decline. My daily calorie intake slid up, and my exercise output slid down.

Week four, I refuse to discuss. Yes, I gained. No, I have no excuses. All I can really say is that extra-long chili CHEESE coney was DEEEEE-Licious.

Which brings us to week five. I'm doing good. I started jogging over a week ago. It's more of a very brisk walk that gets clumsily faster for about 2-3 minutes and then my lungs start wheezing and I change back to walking. Very vigorous brisky walking.

Here's the kicker! I'm pretty sure I'm still winning. I still eat like a bird BUT less often. And if I do eat "bad," it's portion controlled. Who knew I had "fitness" cells in my body???!!! Admittely, I'm starting to whine. Just as I warned my B that she would hear, if I joined the challenge. Totally her fault. Let me tell you- This bi-atch has been "ALL IN" since Feb?(sorry B can't remember) but it's been several months. Now her skinny ass is literally 50 lbs less than she was in January!!! Could NOT be MORE PROUD OF YOU B!!!!! She is my hero in this. She is getting married to a brilliantly sweet man in September who would love her and the extra 50 lbs any day, but as a strong woman, (with the knowledge that NO woman wishes to look fat on their wedding day)has conquered her lifestyle change!! She works out with a willpower I doubt I will ever have, let alone keep. WAY TO GO B!!!!!!!!!

Wish me luck on the next weigh-in. Cross your fingers that mama can score some points for all the tormented, cheese-craving, drama queen cells I have and bring home the pot!!!!!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Chapter One

Okie Dokie. Going to try the blogging thing again. I love words. I love typing. I love stories. Bloggers need to love these things to be successful. I feel I fit the mold. As the Header says, "BRACE YOURSELF."

UPDATE (or TMI, depending on who is actually reading this):

Life couldn't be better at the moment! So many stars have alligned and I'm a happy Lady these days. I have so much to be thankful for. I have my BEAUTIFUL daughter, Jamie Joellen, who will be six in just a couple months. WOWZA! I will in fact be 29 for the first time on Monday, June 4th. Not sure who is more excited. I for one LOVE birthdays. Why? Duh, PRESENTS YO! My husband and I just made it through our 9th wedding anniversary without tearing each others eyeballs out. WOOT WOOT. Really, he's a blessing. We've spent a lot of time together. I have a home and a family and a job. Mostly boring with some wicked moments squeezed in, now and then.

I wanted to try the blogging thing again, because I am forever trying to find an outlet for all my vocabulary. I have days when I feel my life would be better served as a ghost writer. Technically, as a new up and coming ICD-9 certified coder, I will be just that. Doctors will note, and I will code. AND I'm good at it, so that's a plus. Sadly, these are numbers and not "feelings" transposed, which is likely more to the point of why I need a virtual diary. BLOG! sorry, BLOG!

The only other piece of advice (aka WARNING) that I can give a reader, would be to not take any offense to what I say. Ha! DRAMA!!!

Enjoy the virtual diary!- BLOG, dadgum!? Why do I keep doing that!??