Monday, June 4, 2012

Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!

Holy Moly it's my BIRTHDAY!! I friggin love birthdays! I had a good day. The parents drove over for dinner last night. James took me to the mall, where he casually slipped into Kay Jewelers and managed to buy something super cute to go on my super cute neck.

The work gang bought me a cookie cake, ugh more cookie cake please! And a PINK water bottles so I don't have to keep refilling my Dasani bottle! :)....And some chex mix!oh oh AND a SONIC GIFT CARD:) LOL Gosh that was sweet. Somehow I enjoyed making the men in my department sing for their slice. Big shout out to Ashley Bishop for being the only soprano in a bunch of baritone-like IT crew men.

Great great birthday. I am 29!! Can you believe it? For real!

In other news, Jamie Jo had her first swimming lesson at the Miller Swim School here in Tulsa. Grandma De was very kind to take her. She did so well. She only hated the part where the kids had to get out of the pool. Sounds like I will likely have to spring for another 8 sessions in July.

Work life is busy busy busy. Did I mention busy? Lord help us when the new software comes into play.

I arrived home tonight to a sleeping husband and an occupied zombie, so I took the dog for a walk on our own. Poor Simon. His mini-weenie legs take about eight steps to my one. I'm trying hard to get him to go for an hour, but about 35-40 minutes into the walk he's draggin the back end and begging to be carried the rest of the way home. OH MY but to be a dog on a walk! New smells and places to pee! The sun! The bugs! The much bigger dogs that have NOTHING on an alpha mini-weenie on a walk with the mama!

In the interest of not blinding all who attend the big wedding for my B and her love I have invested in a tanning package at At the Beach. This is a good story, keep reading (mother). The package was a dang good deal. $20 for unlimited tanning/30 days plus a "Versa Spa" session. Now, even though I was a tanning virgin, I still knew that I would be bombarded by bleach blonde girls at the front desk who will likely be the old leatherley ladies of my elder years. And, I knew they would be selling me extras, as I received a 67% discount already with the LivingSocial package deal. So I politely let the "super totally awesome chick" go through her half-memorized act about how the special lotion has a "shine that glitters like diamonds." And then proceeded to my first session on a tanning bed. Ya know, I get it, being tan gives you a certain "glow" and what better way in Oklahoma (where unless you have a boat and a dock, or you work on a farm) you are never going to be able to tan unless you spend some time in these odd space ship like coffins. But man, it's werid yo.

So I get all diamondy lotioned up and hop in the coffin and then I realize I forgot my "specs." So I try to stand up with my naked diamondy butt slipping on the bed and grab the specs and jump back in. Naturally, I take a few breaths and try to relax. I only have about 2 minutes of this before I have the thought and wonder "whose naked butt was on this before me?" But before I can get to graphic in my imagination, the spaceship lands, and my ride is over.

Since it was my birthday the Britney Spears double asked if I would like to try the Versa Spa today. I, being curious always, said "Sure, why not?" So we proceed to spaceship room number 24 to see what's up with this Versa Spa deal. Have you ever seen the episode of "Friends" where Ross goes to the tanning place? This is my nightmare! The girl teaches me "the dance" as she calls it. You have to of course twist yourself into odd positions so the spray nozzle juice will get all your bits and pieces. Wouldn't want to look splotchy, would we?? So I politely smile to Britney and make my way into the new planet's shower. I push the button and all I can think is "don't forget the dance!" because you can't come out of there with one side a level 2 and the back side a 0!! All in all, it was just weird. I think I will stick to my $20 bed and be on my merry way.

This is the end of today, I hope you've enjoyed the glimpse into my head.

Again, thanks to everyone who made me feel so special today! MY BIRTHDAY!!! :)

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