Sunday, June 3, 2012

Tales from the Butler home June 2, 2012

More updating!
So on April 30, 2012 my best friend (who will forever be called "B" on my blog) in the Whole Wide World convinced me that I need to join her in the "fitness" challenge that our work place was starting. Now, if there is anything anyone knows about me, it usually starts with food. More to the point, cheese. Solid or melted, either way. Queso es muy bueno. Be that as it may, I went against my food craving body's internal debate on "What's for dinner?" And decided I could use a little more "fitness" living in my life.

In short, the challenge is this: Keep a log everyday in the "My Fitness Pal" app (or link on internet). The gist is to be fit, stay fit, and hopefully lose weight. The ultimate goal is to change your lifestyle habits. So you get points for eating your calorie goal, exercising, and drinking your daily dose of water. All participants put in a $20 ante, and at the end of 2 months, the person with the most points wins the pot. I think the pot ended up being about $300 this round.

Naturally, $300 is a pretty precious commodity these days. So much so, that the first week of competition I went ALL IN. I told the hubby to get ready because I was going to WIN. Little did I know, that first week I kicked ASS. That's right. Even got talked into buying a Wii Fit!! WHICH IS SOOOO COOOOOOLLLLL. I stopped over-eating, I worked out 30-45 min a day, AND I drank my daily 8 cups of water.I lost over 7 lbs in 10 days!! Absurdly, that was all water weight. Evidently my body had been retaining without my consent. Who'dve thunk that one, right?! And at the end of the first week I was WINNING!!!!!!!

By week two I was still grooving. Still losing a little weight, eating within my calorie range, and really trucking through the pain(s).

Week three, I only lost .8 pounds. I was still mostly okay with eating my calorie goal and working out every day. My momentum was on the decline. My daily calorie intake slid up, and my exercise output slid down.

Week four, I refuse to discuss. Yes, I gained. No, I have no excuses. All I can really say is that extra-long chili CHEESE coney was DEEEEE-Licious.

Which brings us to week five. I'm doing good. I started jogging over a week ago. It's more of a very brisk walk that gets clumsily faster for about 2-3 minutes and then my lungs start wheezing and I change back to walking. Very vigorous brisky walking.

Here's the kicker! I'm pretty sure I'm still winning. I still eat like a bird BUT less often. And if I do eat "bad," it's portion controlled. Who knew I had "fitness" cells in my body???!!! Admittely, I'm starting to whine. Just as I warned my B that she would hear, if I joined the challenge. Totally her fault. Let me tell you- This bi-atch has been "ALL IN" since Feb?(sorry B can't remember) but it's been several months. Now her skinny ass is literally 50 lbs less than she was in January!!! Could NOT be MORE PROUD OF YOU B!!!!! She is my hero in this. She is getting married to a brilliantly sweet man in September who would love her and the extra 50 lbs any day, but as a strong woman, (with the knowledge that NO woman wishes to look fat on their wedding day)has conquered her lifestyle change!! She works out with a willpower I doubt I will ever have, let alone keep. WAY TO GO B!!!!!!!!!

Wish me luck on the next weigh-in. Cross your fingers that mama can score some points for all the tormented, cheese-craving, drama queen cells I have and bring home the pot!!!!!!

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